Friday, May 2, 2008


This beautiful sunset was viewed from the front of my home and the deck area is from one deck off the bedroom on the backside of my home.... The simply beauty that is offered to us in life .... I do try very hard to keep life simple and enjoy blessings and beauty and peaceful surroundings and moments offered to us . A simple flower popping to new life...It is a lovely time as our yards and gardens wake up after their journey with winter. I have been able to dig a few times in the earth. Yesterday I did place a few new starts of ground cover into a new area we worked up this year. The weather has been alittle unstable here in northern Ohio . We had some storms move through here the morning with more expected but now the sun has peeked through the clouds ...least for now...
I love sharing my simple life style with those of you whom riches in everyday life is so very precious not the riches of grand homes that you can only have by having large amounts of money. I am trying very hard to appreciate everything more as our economy is putting a fear into alot of our American people. These people have worked very hard in life and like us we really don't care if we have more ...our goal is to try to hang onto what we have worked so hard for. ......... and I strongly believe GOD WILL PROVIDE..........

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