Sunday, June 28, 2009

Scrambled Thoughts

Although a couple weeks have passed my night time sleep is still interrupted. I am awakened often with the memory of the phone call telling me my son has been in a motorcycle accident... His Harley demolished and knowledge of where he had been transported was unknown. I sat as quietly as possible for what seemed to be at least a hour waiting for another phone call. I now must face the fact that he will have another motorcycle but also have been assured better decisions will be made when riding one. I must remind myself of his love for them and also if Tom got hit in the head with a golf ball or a club it certainly wouldn't stop him from going to the course. This is going to be very difficult for me as I shake when I even hear a motorcycle and instantly remember that night.... Maybe it is just too soon to accept.....
I have shown a picture of my son, Chad, taken this evening while visiting... Looking somewhat tired and restless but still a small grin on his face and a pretty good attitude. I am so very thankful we have him here in our lifes. I also took a picture of his hand , his worse injury, but decided not to post this photo, but I would like to share some thoughts and poem ramblings however.

No longer playing by my side, for me to nurture and to guide.
The books and toys are all gone.... { except for the sound of a Harley}
No precious bedtime stories to hear.
My days once busy, now seem somewhat calm.
Wishing I still heard the tiny voice still saying MOM.
Youth has quickly come and gone.
You have allot to learn in later years it seems.
I know it's hard but must be learned, of honor and
decency and respect always must be earned.
Life is fragile... and becomes a precious loving family bond.
A bond that can't be broken or torn away.....
For you my son, my love grows stronger still, day by day.

PS. Would like to thank all you for thoughts and prayers and would ask you to continue to keep us in your prayers and best wishes as we have more issues to work our way through ... Chad personally and as a family...... We all have issues to work through in our lives , rich or poor, unknown or famous... and we all hurt..... It is so important to be kind to a friend or family who is hurting..... as our times also arrive when so unexpected....


SharDon Exclusives said...

Oh, sweet Marietta, our children are so precious, even in their adulthood. The thing is to "let them grow their wings" whether on a Harley or in a car they are still our babies/our loves. You are in my thoughts and prayers...sharon

Tracy said...

I can't imagine how scarey that must have been for you, getting that phone call that he'd been in a accident. So glad he's still here with you today and things weren't worse.

Joyce's Journey said...

I'm so sorry your son had that accident. It must have been very scary for you. I cannot imagine. My husband also rides a motorcycle. I do not like them at all. Your son is very fortunate that he wasn't hurt worse. I hope all is going well now and I can certainly understand and appreciate your apprehension with him getting another one. I'm sure he must be a little scared himself, but I guess you do have to get right back on one. You will be in my prayers.

I love the pictures you include with each post. They are just beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

My prayers and heart go out to you and your family. I know how scary it can be to go through something like this. Hopefully you will heal emotionally in time. Don't rush yourself, it too will pass.