Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life and Choices

Elizabeth @ a lovely long post on feelings and lovely photos for you to enjoy today. Also in her post reminding me we all have problems with life's ups and downs, and some days bloggers and friends and family really don't want to read them... not meaning we don't care and have concerns... some days we need more. I thought this morning I would post hopefully some inspiration and some of my thoughts on life and choices...
We are so extremely, extremely, fortunate to have the freedom of choice and can gain much joy from that in itself.. If you have any little doubt of that, just look around you.... Our choices may not always be sweet or easy, but you do have the freedom to make them. We just need to acquire the integrity and conviction for them to be made. As of late, I have had many thoughts... just learning through living hard knocks has really changed my thought process. Had I have experienced some of these , I am sure I would have made different choices in certain areas of my life.... Not wanting to dwell on choices and knowing we are embodied in our choices we do need to let go and move on... it is necessarily. By doing this finding your personality, temperance, disposition, and whole general out-look will guide you.... The pleasures of our minds are unlimited to us, allowing us a good life, but you sincerely have to want it.
Remembering there are no certainties, promises that may be broken, chances, possibilities, and probabilities, we become willing to move forward. When good fortune arrives, bathe in it and take full advantage of it, allowing fortitude if a bad situation is larking down the road. These are key ingredients in life that each and every one of us will or have faced. We enhance strength of mind to endure our pain and adversity...
Committing ourselves to the right path will uplift you and will be in our way to extra-ordinary life...... Wisdom supports us every single step of the way....

PS. Life is good today...... God showered our area with over a inch of rain that was so badly needed.... Just makes me want to dance.....
PS2.. We are off to a wedding later the afternoon... Another celebrating of two lifes joining... Love and wisdom will need to be required in this new union as they journey through life....

WISDOM... meaning judgement, acting on experience, common sense, available knowledge, and decent appreciation of probability.
Barbara W. Tuchman

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