Friday, September 25, 2009

Open House and give-a-way and Parsley

This is the beautiful sky I woke up to view at 7:00 this morning..... It was breath-taking...

The Red Barn is having it's Apple Fest Fall Open House Sept. 26 and 27th... Starts tomorrow morning... Corner of Jewell and Domersville Rd. between the hours of 9-5 on Sat. and 12 to 4 on Sun. It's a fun place to go if you live with traveling distance.... My paper dolls " Ladies of the Past" will be there.... I have also listed a few more sets on Ebay this morning.....
***** If you haven't yet please drop down in my posts and enter the doll give-a-way.....
Ps... I harvested some of my parsley yesterday again...did you know the folic acid in parsley is critical nutrient in cardiovascular health... Folic acid helps convert potentially dangerous homocysteine into harmless molecules, a process that helps protect blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke... And you thought it was just used to make our presentation of our dishes look pretty..... I use my parsley in winter cooking of many dishes and soups.... I need all the help I can have with the heart issue...
Have a wonderful day........


Pam of Eastlake Victorian said...

Beautiful sky!

I didn't know about parsley improving homocysteine levels... good info, as mine have always been high. I'll have to use it more often!

The Victorian Parlor said...

The sky picture is gorgeous! Interesting facts about parsley-I didn't know that!



The Rustic Victorian said...

Parsley is a beautiful plant, I didn't know it was heart healthy. I know tomatoes are. The sunrise is beautiful, kinda gets the day started right somehow.
Blessings in your day!