Saturday, October 31, 2009

Counting Our Blessings

Heading into the month of harvest completion and a time for Thanksgiving and spending time with family and friends is truly a time of generosity and sharing with others... The bonds of family and friends become very important as we travel through the next 2 months... Experiences enjoyed during the time adds enchantment to our being.. For many it is a opportunity to share with great pleasure those whom are less fortunate. Many churches encourage members to bring a gift of a non-perishable item that will be shared.... Seems like a small thing to do but it does make a difference in many lives... When I compare what I will be able to indulge in compared to others less fortunate through self faults or unfortunate situations it brings tears and draws you to you knees in thanksgiving for the blessings you have... Far too many times we go through our day without giving this a thought... Take a moment and reflect how really fortunate we are... and give thanks......


Sandi said...

Your post is so true. We are so ,so blessed and need to be thankful for what we have. There truly are so many that are hurting in these times. I remind myself often to be thankful for what I have and not complain about what I can't have at the moment. Just to be content is a great thing.
Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post. I have always loved Thanksgiving. I too have many blessings to count.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.

blushing rose said...

Marietta ~ Your post is so full of love & warmth. We should remember this every single day ...

Have a BOO-tea-FuLl Halloween. TTFN ~Marydon

** Watch for huge giveaways that start tomorrow for several weeks.

The Victorian Parlor said...

Well said! We have much to be thankful for and we should care for those less fortunate:).



Cynthia K. said...

Such a truth - and beautifully said. I don't think we can ever have happiness without being thankful for all we have. I'm thankful now that I found your lovely blog. Spent some time going over many previous entries of yours and so enjoyed them. They convinced me to sign up as a new follower of yours. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Your tags from your last post are so lovely....

Cynthia K.

SharDon Exclusives said...

Marietta, what a sweet post and soooo true. I must keep your words of wisdom close to my heart this year.
Have an abundantly blessed week.