Sunday, July 18, 2010

Enjoying Summer????

Photo from Country Living...

Oh my, what I post seems to be so fickle... this spring we has rain after rain delaying the farmers from their planting... now the weather has changed to excess heat and dryness. I don't take the heat well, and I have to sadly admit I am not enjoying summer right now... I am trying to stay positive but seem to be caving in..
I gathered some sweet corn of which we seem to be sharing with critters, most likely coon... Finding ears laying on ground stripped back... At least this one eats the whole ear... At least a couple years ago we have several and they would strip about 20 or so a night and just tear them down and take a bite and leave lay....This years critter seems to be more budget friendly....
Oh my and another thing we have right now is giant horse flies... Everywhere... I have been bitten a couple times already... They hit my large picture window in the front of my house and makes you glad you are in the confines of your home... When you go away in your car they attack the car... When you pull up to stop sign they dive bomb the car in armies of them... They usually are here for 2 to 3 weeks but I am afraid it will be longer with the extreme heat...
We seem to be having trouble with the pool water again... It has been vacuumed 3 times this week and we are still loosing it... Will have to run a sample to the pool place again... All chemicals have been added... I am wondering if once again it doesn't have allot to do with the extreme heat... Getting the picture of why I am not so keen on summer right now....??????
The one good thing I can be thankful for is the garden that is producing us food.... I just took country style spare ribs from the oven from baking till tender... I always boil or bake my ribs before continuing to the outdoor grill to be placed on a heavy foil sprayed with cooking spray before adding ribs and BBQ sauce...... Tonight's supper will be... of course the BBQ ribs... corn on the cob, baked potato, sliced cucumbers in sweet and sour vinegar, grilled sour dough bread and cherry pie..... The supper will be a good old summer time one but the actual summertime itself is a bit trying for us whom don't enjoy the extreme heat.....


Anonymous said...

Summertime???? Well, I guess I would have to say that this exterme heat we have had has been debilitating as is any extreme in temperatures. My shopping trip yesterday, I will admit, was not much fun. It was too hot BUT I am not a winter girl. I guess I love the fall & the Indian Summer Days!!
As always... I loved your post!!

Sandi said...

I hear ya Marietta!! This hot hot dry weather is awful. First we had too much rain and now none.

We have not had the horsefly problems. Hubby JUST remarked on that today. We were talking about the pool we used to have and how we miss it, but then he said, "But I do not miss the horseflys that seemed to come along with the pool". LOL I don't miss the cleaning of it either, but somedays I think it would be nice to have again.

Stay cool as best you can!! ")