Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sharing Of Life

When it becomes sugar plum and gingerbread time something inside me has a desire to make the surroundings around me become rather magical... I have a simple desire for the sharing of life and it's many things of beauty. Shimmery... distressed... stained... glam .... and objects of great endurance all become center stage in my home... All these happenings make my eyes dance... I miss my mother who has been gone for many years now but the desire to share with her still remains steadfast... She always thought things I created were wonderful no matter how quirky... As a child even I remember making hand-made as I knew we didn't have sources to splurge on man items... especially un-necessary ones.. Stringing popcorn that was placed in a hugh old porcelain pan that we ate as much as we strung was shared by everyone in the family... Wonderful memories... Mom would also make large popcorn balls to be wrapped and red ribbons added and hung in our kitchen windows... Others were made for enjoying... Her recipe had white karo..sugar.. and the powder of red or green jello for color but I do not remember exactly what the ingredients were...
Somewhere along my journey I acquired passion for a touch of glam with a sugary winter look for Christmas.. I enjoy the traditions of years past but I step out of the box and do not use one red object for holiday decorating... I use greens with pines.. but melt for lovely objects that whisper "peace..comfort.. and joy". Old book with bottle brush snow trees meet guests as they come for a visit.. Embellished vignettes with not another inch to place another object also are displayed with a re-cycled elegance.. Budget friendly ideas are tucked with personal items... My thoughts and hopes are to always encourage time spend at home.. Sharing with others...Your home can be your retreat and blessing for your holiday and winter season coming upon us.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

During this time and especially at Christmas I miss my Mom the most.
My husband doesn't even like to mention her for fear I'll get upset. But then I feel like she doesn't exist. So for the most part I keep my memories to myself or share with our kids. My Mom always made popcorn balls for Christmas (and Halloween) too ~
Hope your day is a happy one