Thursday, November 15, 2012

Place A Peppermint Twist On Your Holiday

The story of the candy cane maker....
There once was a candy maker who wanted to make a candy cane because he knew he would include a lot of signs and symbols to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
He began with a stick of pure white hard candy. He used white as a symbol of the solid rock on which the church was founded.
He bent over the top of the candy cane to make it look like a symbol like a Shepard's staff. He remembered that Jesus calls himself " The Good Shepard". The candy maker remembered too that the first people who come to worship Jesus at the manger after he was born was the shepards. Then the candy maker looked at his candy cane and thought it looked a little plain. "It needs some color" he said." Something red" he thought. First he put on 3 thin red stripes. You see, he remembered Jesus went through terrible torture before he died and was whipped across the back.. The candy maker decided the red stripes of the cane would remind everyone that Jesus shed his blood for us and he died on the cross on Good Friday.
The candy maker was doing well with his candy cane. He had a lot of signs of Jesus in there but he wasn't satisfied. He began to pray.. " Dear Jesus, help me to make my candy cane show the true meaning of Christmas. Then the candy slipped from his hands and landed up side down on the floor. When he looked, he noticed that the candy cane was no longer a cane but it was the letter "J" for Jesus. Jesus is really what Christmas is all about...
We have a candy company not too many miles from us called Spangler Candy Co. in Bryan, Ohio, since 1906 that make candy canes and Dum Dum Pops and other candies... They have been making candy canes since before I was born... Chances are the candy canes you purchase for your holiday may be just made by this company... On their fact sheet they manufacture 2.7 million candy canes a day... { 1.5 million in Bryan and 1.2 million in their factory on Juarez, Mexico. Now that's a lot of candy canes.....
Pictures from...


victorian parlor II said...


What a wonderful story!!! I will have to do some research about the Spangler candy company as this was my great-grandmother's last name and I believe we had family in the northern parts of the country:).



Lisa's Creative Designs said...

Love the pictures! I am on a red, white and aqua kick this year and especially love the pictures of the presents!

Sandi said...

Love this beautiful story Marietta. I love to read about traditions and history behind items that are being made.
We have visited the spangler candy company many times over the past years. My hubby worked right next to it at Aro for over 26 years. We even took tours years ago when they gave out free candy.
PS we just got home from the ER. On the way home from church today about noonish hubby said it felt like something was in his eye. It bothered him all day and by the time I got home from our church ladies tea about 6:30pm his eye was very swollen and oozing. {Sorry sounds gross} He has scratches on his cornea from whatever was in it and now infection has set in. Poor guy...he has to use antibiotic eyedrops now , but should be fine.