Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I Think I Need Some New Initials

I cannot believe I did this on my quest to stay on a very tight budget... I have had this pretty silk garland for several years and only used it a couple times in the spring on display so out it came and I decided It would be used on my front porch door. The area is covered so it should last for a couple years... Discovering I had used all my wire frames over a period of time I wondered what am I to do not... I have several just little plain evergreen wreaths in storage and I brought on out and can you believe I used it... After 25 years of floral design you learn to use things up... I was going to tie the garland on with crinkle ribbon but soon discover I could secure it in a couple minutes by just twisting the evergreen tips... The garland went around the wreath twice perfectly... less than 4 minutes... Didn't look too shabby.. so I decided to add a bit of personality and tied on a very sweet little china pitcher and a couple tarnished initial spoons to dangle... It turned out sweet and that is when I decided I needed some new initials personally like RPD { re- purpose diva} cause I am scaring myself with some of the solutions I am coming up with to decorate my outdoor spaces with this summer... with my promise of a tight budget...remember we are having our old pool tore out and adding a new one sometime this summer and I am so trying to help Tom by not spending more of his money with projects... We would not be doing it if he did not have the money saved and be paying cash but that doesn't mean a person should not be very conservative and try to use and enjoy what you have available.... If it was myself personally I maybe could afford to put one of the ladders in ... LOL... Actually ... the wreath turned out pretty darn cute and the evergreen just a foundation and you don't notice it.. I will place it out in a couple days because I have a couple birdies want to nest on my front door and I so don't want them to... I just had 3 babies fly from the nest up by my house Sunday and if you have ever had any nest by your house you know what I mean when I say, Oh my gosh... what a mess... I bleached the side of my house and my porch floor .... Sending you wishes for a day of inspiration in creating lovely areas for your outdoor living......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this gorgeous and thrifty creation, Marietta!